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Cancellation And Refund Policy

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  • Cancellation And Refund Policy

Policy Details

Gautam Enterprises Construction takes pride in the process of providing transparent and trustful construction services. Tremendous amounts of efforts are being put by Gautam Enterprises Construction in understanding the customer’s requirement and/or providing designs and other documents/details. In the unlikely event that the customer decides to cancel the project after paying any portion of the booking amount, the customer shall inform Gautam Enterprises Construction (from the e-mail address provided to Gautam Enterprises Construction) in writing, vide an e-mail to [email protected] (or such other e-mail address provided from time to time) or registered post with acknowledgement due, mentioning the reason(s) for cancelation.

Cancellation fees will be determined based on the stage of the Project at the time of cancellation:

  • Post booking until before initiation of any steps below – 2.5% of the project value based on which booking amount is paid by the customer.
  • After determination of floor plan but on or before the day of Contractor Allocation – 5% of the project value after determination of the floor plan at the time of contractor allocation by Gautam Enterprises Construction.
  • Post-contractor allocation – If structure design or 3D elevations have also been initiated, then an additional 2% of the project value, totalling 7%.
  • Post resource mobilization or any small work done at project site but before start of the project – 10% of the project value as per the contract executed between Gautam Enterprises Construction and the customer. If the contract has not been executed, 10% of the project value as per the final quotation approved by the customer.
  • For any cancellations subsequent to the start of the project, such cancellation amounts will be deducted as per the terms of the contract between Gautam Enterprises Construction and the customer.

All deductions are inclusive of Taxes and shall be on the total non-discounted value of the project. Where any architectural / structural designs are completed or where data is collected like digital survey or where a soil test is conducted, such information / final documentation shall be shared if applicable and subject to such amounts payable for the documents as communicated by Gautam Enterprises Construction to the customer.

Gautam Enterprises Construction shall transfer the refund amount, if any, payable to the customer after making suitable deductions and adjustments, to the bank account provided by the customer, within 30 (thirty) business days from the date Gautam Enterprises Construction and the customer mutually agree on the final value of the refund amounts.