Safety of its own employees as well as the society in general is paramount for Gautam Enterprises Infrastructure Limited business that delivers prime necessities of life. We at Gautam Enterprises Infrastructure Limited ensure safety by competency development, training and advanced technology-based engineering, engineering controls and use of personnel protective equipment’s (PPEs) and special tools. The businesses are governed by many Acts, rules, regulations and guidelines, all of which are envisaged with safety of man and machine. The statutory requirement of safety also plays an important role in safety systems.
At Every location of business, we take necessary steps on regular basis to ensure safety of employees and equipment’s. Some of the measures that we take to ensure fulfillment of safety requirements, include:
Internal and External safety audits
Mock drills
Emergency preparedness planning
Disaster management
Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
Compliance of all statutory requirements
Safety committees with representation of working level staff
Site visits and inspections
Safety Promotion campaigns
Observing National Safety Day followed with safety week at many locations
Our unmatched efforts and commitment for safety have been recognized at various forums and the organization has received many awards for safety and occupational health.
Our Philosophy - Governance Philosophy
We are driven by our commitment to achieve highest standards of transparency, accountability and equity, in all facets of its operations, and in all our interactions with our stakeholders: from, customers, shareholders and employees, to government, lenders and the wider community. The company believes that all its operations and actions must serve the underlying goal of enhancing overall enterprise value and safeguarding the shareholders' trust. In our commitment to practice sound governance principles, we are guided by the core principles of transparency, disclosures, empowerment and accountability, compliances, ethical conduct and maximization of stakeholder's interests.
We have formulated, inter alia, the following policy documents and introduced best practices of governance: policy statements on: values and commitments, code of ethics, business policies, prohibition of insider trading policy, prevention of sexual harassment, whistle blower policy, environment policy and Risk management procedures.
The Company has a comprehensive board charter in place setting out matters relating to Board composition, scope and functions of the Board and its committees, etc. A lead independent director, who acts as the spokesperson for independent directors interacts closely with the Chairman and carries out board evaluation process.
We have introduced several trend setting governance practices to improve stakeholder satisfaction, viz. customers, employees, vendors, shareholders and the society as a whole.
Our disclosures and governance practices are continually revisited, reviewed and revised to respond to the dynamic needs of our business and ensure that our standards are at par with the globally recognized practices of governance, so as to meet the expectations of all our stakeholders.
Power Station
In 2020-21, auxiliary power consumption reduced by 0.32 MUs during plant preservation due to best practices adopted and implementation of various energy conservation measures. In order to reduce energy consumption of the station during the preservation period, a study on fixed and variable loads was done. Accordingly, energy saving was classified as per use of equipment as daily, weekly and fortnightly.
In order to reduce the "No load losses" of a charged transformer, power supply reliability was studied and a redundant distribution transformer each in Power block and balance of plant area is kept "Off". A thorough study of ACW pumps circulation flow was done. Preservation schedule was changed from daily 1 hour run to alternate day 11/2 Hours run.
Weekly CW line flushing activity time reduced from 1 hr to 45 minute- Fortnightly savings with variable loads was scheduled along with instrument air compressor run i.e. Single CCW pump is operated and temperature of water monitored accordingly. ACW system operation to cool the CCW system is optimized. Similarly, fortnightly auxiliaries for Expansion Project are optimized, such as to reduce gas turbine air intake filter pulsing time from 31/2 hr to 21/2 hr. The pause time between the pulse cleaning cycle is optimized.
In line with the requirements of the SEBI Listing Regulations, the Company has adopted Business Responsibility and Sustainability Policy, based on principles laid down in the National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental and Economic responsibilities of a Business published by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, towards conducting business by a company.